Category: NGO's


Star Power: How To Leverage Celebrities In Peer-To-Peer Fundraising

As published in: Vakblad Fondsenwerving 17/6 When Olympic swimmer and World Champion, Maarten van der Weijden was asked at the start line of the Dam t...


Failure…and Second Chances

Here’s a scenario: You try a fundraising event. And, it failed. Or, at least it didn’t work out the way you had envisioned. Maybe there were too few p...


Fondsenwervende Evenementen: Korte Geschiedenis, Rooskleurige Toekomst

DUTCH: zoals gepubliceerd in de 100e editie van het Vakblad Fondsenwerving In 1998, toen het Vakblad Fondsenwerving haar eerste editie publiceerde, wa...


Ignorance Is Bliss…?

It’s a nice idea…in theory. And in many aspects of our life, we can truly embrace it. But the truth is, ignorance really is notbliss- especially...

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